A fine stylised wooden Crusader Tank, handmade with rotating turret, circ 40s, beautifully made with carved track faces, rear of hull has a Royal Tank Regiment officers collar badge, hull mounted on to a plinth, approx size 10x 4.25 inches with a height of 4.25 inches, turrent appears to have once had a bit of wire as an aerial, easily replaced, underneath the hull front is a 'towing eye' which is actually the handle for a hidden drawer, the base of the drawer has the orginal owner or maker's details - appears to be 'Cpl Trevett, 57th T Regiment, Warminster, Jan 1940 - the date certainly ties in with the 57th Training Regiment RAC being based at Warminster before the move to Catterick in 1943. A very interesting and well made model Crusauder tank made almost as they entered service at the beginning of the war by a member of the RAC training team, most likely an RTR tankie on the permanent staff, historical item worthy of further research.